Friday, September 17, 2010

FREE Huggies at Rite Aid next week!

Huggies diapers are going to be free at Rite Aid next week, beginning September 19. So print your coupons and hang onto them for this incredible sale. Here’s how it will work:

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Book Review: One Hand, Two Hands by Max Lucado

One Hand, Two Hands is a wonderfully written children's book by a loved and well-known author, Max Lucado! I received this complimentary book from Thomas Nelson and BookSneeze to read and review. Since I received it in the mail, I have read it dozens of times to my two-year old who has already claimed it as a favorite! This book shows children ways that they can serve others by using their "helping hands" to do things like giving hugs, wiping tears, washing dishes, and cleaning up their toys. It ends with a prayer to God thanking Him for our hands and asking Him to use them again. This book also has two pages that you can use to spark a discussion with a child about things that helping hands, kind hands, and loving hands can do. It lists ideas under each of the headings to give them ideas of ways that they can do each one.
This book has beautiful illustrations that even the smallest child will be drawn to! I am so thankful that there are books like this available for our children to listen to and read. It truly is a blessing to read this to my children!

Book Review: Faithful by Kim Cash Tate

I just finished reading Faithful by Kim Cash Tate, and I truly enjoyed reading a new Christian fiction book by her. It was a captivating book that I didn't want to put down until the last page was read, although that was impossible with two little ones around! The author deals with several very hard subject matters that Christians face in today's society from singleness to marital unfaithfulness.

The main character in the book, Cyd, is a single forty year old. She thought that by the time she turned forty, she would be married and have her own family. In reality, she is going to be the maid-of-honor in her little sister's wedding on her big birthday and still be single.

Cyd's best friend, Dana, has to deal with her husband's affair with a younger woman. Her other friend, Phyllis, is dealing with a husband who is not a believer and develops a longing for a male friend that is a Christian. Through all of these situations, the three friends learn to depend on God and his faithfulness to get them through.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book that was given to me compliments of Thomas Nelson and BookSneeze to read and review. I am so glad that there is good, clean Christian fiction out there for us to enjoy! I hope that you like this book as much as I did.

Book Review: Out Live Your Life by Max Lucado

Max Lucado has again written a very inspiring book that opens your eyes to how you can help to make a difference in this world. When I picked up this book, I didn't want to put it down! Lucado shows you how God takes ordinary people like us to do extraordinary things. He uses the first twelve books of Acts, the example of the Jerusalem church, as a reference and guide. I loved the way Lucado ends each chapter with a scripture verse and a prayer that goes along with it. He concludes the book with the challenge that "None of us can help everyone. But all of us can help someone. And when we help them, we serve Jesus. Who would want to miss a chance like that?" The choice to serve Jesus and make a difference is up to us. Are you up for the challenge? :)

Another thing that I really liked about this book is that 100% of the author's royalties from it will be benefiting children and families through World Vision and other ministries of faith-based compassion. What great ministries!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson and BookSneeze to read and review. The opinions written above are mine. I hope that you enjoy this book as much as I did!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Book Review: The Boy Who Changed the World by Andy Andrews

I received the book called The Boy Who Changed the World by Andy Andrews from Thomas Nelson publishers and BookSneeze to read and review. This is a wonderful children's book and has good moral values in it. I would recommend it for older children, ages 5 and up. I have a two year old that enjoys listening to it, but I have to skip some of the parts that are just too hard for him to understand. He loves the beautiful pictures in it, though, and asks me to read it to him all of the time!

This book is a spin off of Andy Andrew's popular book called The Butterfly Effect. It takes you through the lives of several people and shows you how the decisions that each of them make effect the others that they do not even know. The moral that "Every little thing YOU do matters" is woven throughout the entire book. I love the Christian perspective given that God made you so important that anything and everything you do matters! You have an effect on others around you even when you do not even realize it. This book is very inspirational, and I would definately recommend it!