Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Book Review: Take Four by Karen Kingsbury

I just finished reading Take Four by Karen Kingsbury, which is the last book in her "Above the Line" series.  I really enjoyed reading Take One, Take Two, and Take Three, and this fourth book did not disappoint!  The book begins with Bailey following her dreams of performing on Broadway.   Both Bailey and Tim audition for a part in several big Broadway productions.  Tim ends up getting a lead role in "Wicked," while Bailey does not.  But God immediately opens the doors for her to try out for a part in the movie "Unlocked" with one of Hollywood's most famous young stars, Brandon Paul. 

I loved watching the story unfold as Bailey witnesses to Brandon and sees how God is able to change and use him.  Readers get to see the dreams of Keith and Dayne unfold through Jeremiah Productions, but Karen keeps it "real" in that their journey is not always an easy one.  They face many trials and hardships along the way, but the journey is worth everything they have to go through to get to the end.

Finally, I loved how Karen unfolded the story with Andi.  The book ends with the birth of her child, which is bittersweet.  I won't say anymore because I don't want to ruin it for those who have not read the book yet!  Just have a box of Kleenex handy!  :) 

I received a complimentary copy of this book to read and review from Zondervan.  All opinions are my own.  I hope that you enjoy this book and series as much as I did!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

{EXPIRED!} Free Grandparent's Day Card

Don't forget Grandparent's Day is coming up soon (September 11th)!  Choose one of six cute cards that are completely FREE!

Go over to Paper Snaps and you can order your free Grandparent’s Day Card when you use the coupon code GDAY11. This includes free shipping!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

FREE 6-month subscription to The Wall Street Journal

Rewards Gold always sends their subscriptions free-of-charge (and they actually DO come!).  Click the link below to sign up!

Blessings Were Poured Down in Atlanta!

View from my hotel room window!
WOW!!!  What an awesome weekend in Atlanta, GA!  The Women of Faith Conference was absolutely wonderful!  From the amazing speakers to the beautiful weather that God provided, we were truly blessed!

This is the first WOF event that I have ever attended.  Thanks to BookSneeze, I received complimentary tickets and had seats that were on the floor and close to the stage!  I loved how real and honest that each of the speakers were and left knowing that many others have the same struggles that we do.  We just have to remember that God is always with us and will never leave us, even in our darkest moments.

On a lighter note, we, as women, like to have each hair on our head in place before we exit the door in the morning.  Right?!  I loved how Sheila Walsh talked about her hair sometimes looking great and at other times "like the backside of a chicken!"  But, she also shared how God "understood that fact" in Song of Solomon 4:1 ("Your hair is like a flock of goats!").  She made us laugh, cry, and encouraged us through scripture, while sharing about her journey with the Lord.

Angie Smith touched my heart with her transparency and love for God!  Her story was such a blessing to me.  If you ever get the chance to see her, I highly recommend it!  She has a blog called Bring the Rain (audreycaroline.blogspot.com), and you can see her story there.  I can't wait to read her book called What Women Fear.

Natalie Grant was awesome!

The music by the WOF Praise Team, Natalie Grant, and Mary Mary was wonderful!  I also enjoyed hearing Laura Story perform and share about her life.  Listen to her song Blessings below, and receive a blessing yourself!

Other speakers that we were blessed to hear were Lisa Harper, Nicole Johnson, Luci Swindoll, and Steve Arterburn.
Steve Arterburn and Sheila Walsh "Q & A Time"

I met some wonderful ladies and new friends at this conference.  Thanks, again, BookSneeze for allowing me to be a part of this experience!  It left me feeling refreshed and knowing that in my life God can and will do far more than I can ever imagine!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Book Review: Fresh Brewed Life by Nicole Johnson

Don't you just love the title and cover for Nicole Johnson's recently revised and updated book?  Just the cover made me want to pick it up and check it out!  As Nicole said at the Women of Faith conference in Atlanta last weekend, coffee is "about more than the drink."  When someone asks if you want to have coffee, they are wanting the conversation and friendship that go along with "having coffee!"  After listening to Nicole speak at the WOF event, I was ready to come home and dive into her new book!

Nicole begins chapter one saying, "The fresh-brewed life is a spiritual journey from beginning to end.  It is a call to wake up that begins in a relationship with the One in whom we began."  We need to begin this process by learning to surrender everything to God.  As you read this book, Nicole invites you to journal and gives you advice on finding a special place, journal, pen, etc. for doing this each day.  She even has "directed journaling ideas" spread throughout the book to help you get started.  By reading this book, you will be encouraged to celebrate your friendships, face your fears, find your passions, and stop "waiting" for your life to begin!

I really enjoyed reading Fresh-Brewed Life and would recommend it to you to read!  Get ready to start brewing your own richer and more meaningful life, too! 

*I received this complimentary book from Thomas Nelson and BookSneeze to read and review.  All opinions expressed about this book are my own.

Coming November 2011.....

Beth Moore Talks about the Newest Study on James from LifeWay Women on Vimeo.